Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wesley Acres 2

After Severn Bridge we headed straight to Wesley Acres for Family Camp 2, where we again had many opportunities to share our plans to go to Malawi, and talk about how the church’s mission, both local and global, is so close to God’s heart. We added many new supporters to our team and were able to connect with many pastors and lay people who are interested in having us come to their church. Praise the Lord!

We also made new friends from Ghana, and talked to many people that have been missionaries in Africa, both short and long term. It was great to connect with them and learn from their experience.

When we began preparing our kids for becoming “missionary kids,” we talked with them about certain aspects that would be difficult in the next year or so (such as saying good-bye to friends, leaving behind our Golden Retriever and favourite toys, mom and dad being very busy and distracted, etc.). But we also encouraged them to look for the special blessings that God would have in store for us along the way. One of those blessings came in the form of new friends at Wesley Acres who invited us not only for a boat ride, but also to go tubing and fishing the next day, and to have lunch and dinner with them. They also introduced us to several young people from their church and we had a wonderful day with them.

Another surprise blessing came from the camp speaker, Steve Wingfield, and some anonymous friends. Steve offered to bake several pies to be auctioned off for Wesley Acres, and then decided to add two more pies, one of which was for the Jesus Loves Malawi Fund. It sold for $1,000 !!! Thank you very much Steve, and thank you to the very generous buyer(s). We do not know exactly who bought the pie yet, but we are trying to find out to thank them personally. We hope you enjoyed the pie!

Near the end of the week I had the privilege of talking to a man who feels that God is calling him to some sort of mission work as well. Isn’t God good? Pray that God will clearly guide him.

Severn Bridge

After being home for only 1 ½ weeks we were on the road again, this time headed to Severn Bridge. Our main goal for going there was to meet with Dan Sheffield and members of Ryde Centennial and New Hope Churches. We also had a chance to briefly share our vision with the whole camp at an evening service, and also met the Camp Speaker, David Moran. He has been to Malawi, and after hearing me share he said, “Malawi grabs your heart.” It was fun to connect with David and to hear his stories of this exciting and amazing country.

Friday morning Steffi and I met with Dan Sheffield to connect on a wide range of topics, but primarily to take an IDI assessment (Intercultural Development Inventory). In the afternoon we met with members of the New Hope FMC (Bracebridge) and Ryde Centennial Church (Housey’s Rapids, near Gravenhurst), and Dan gave a workshop designed to help sending churches understand missions better. We really appreciate these two churches who have been so supportive from the very beginning!

Since we got to stay till Sunday afternoon, it was also great to re-connect with new friends we had recently made in Housey’s Rapids, and of course we also enjoyed the opportunity to meet new friends and supporters, some of whom took a special interest in our children, promising to support them (and us, of course) through their prayers and care packages. Others have started giving on a monthly basis. We owe a big thank you to all the people at Severn Bridge Camp for being so welcoming and supportive, and also to Sterling and Cheryl Cooper for their wonderful hospitality (once again)!